Ex and the City (aka What’s Next)

Well Grace and I had some very constructive conversations on the flight over here about where my blog could go next.  Apparently there are lots of different things I can do to get myself trending and raise my profile but since I’m new to all this I thought I might just go in slowly and talk about what’s next for me.

And, as far as the grand scheme of things goes, I don’t really know at the moment.  After five years of being fully entrenched and grounded by my job role it’s hard to suddenly be cast adrift.  The man sitting next to me on the plane asked what I did for a living and it came as something as a shock to me to realise that the answer wasn’t “Hello, I’m Connie Beaucamp, I’m a Clinical Lead in Emergency Medicine at Holby City Hospital” and I struggled somewhat with an actual response, so in the end I just told him I was an influencer.  I thought Grace was going to choke on her complimentary peanuts but she’s just got no imagination. 

However whilst I don’t know what life holds for me long term, short term I do have all the answers.  For the next 14 days I’m quarantining in the loft of my ex.  As life choices go, it’s an interesting one, and there is a school of thought currently making itself known in my brain that maybe I should have just booked into a hotel, but G needs to quarantine too, and I need to be with her, and she, in turn, needs to be with her father, and since that isn’t exactly a mix and match situation, here we are. 

And, to be honest, I can’t really complain.  I guess if I’ve got to quarantine with the man I once conceived a child with in a hospital locker room (sorry, Grace!) then this is as good a place as any.  Salaries in the private sector in NY are clearly far too generous if Sam’s apartment is anything to go by.  Especially since he clearly can afford a cleaner into the bargain; no man could keep house as well as this one is kept. 

So the photos below were taken on arrival, and since then we’ve consumed the bubbles in the kitchen.  Grace is currently enjoying being reunited with Simba, and Sam is mixing Manhattans.  I’m sure with time there will be serious conversations to have about my future, and Grace’s, but for now I’m taking things one hour at a time.  It’s not like I can do anything else for the next fortnight anyway....

So basically, TLDR (Grace taught me that) - Living for the moment. In luxury. And sending love. Still missing you all xxx


  1. Enjoy Connie. You have worked your butt off since COVID came to Holby ED as I'm so proud of you. You derseve a break xx


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